
『Young Bird Galler


Since early this year, YoungBird has been making inroads into the fields of industrial design, art and so forth based on its foothold in the architecture and design sector. Commissioned by the world leading toy brand Mega Bloks as its public art curator and consultancy, we’ve been committed to inspiring creativity of the new generation and helping the brand push its limits through this multidisciplinary cooperation in a bid to expand its influence. 


美高MEGA: 30年玩具传奇

Mega Bloks: A Toy Legend Spanning Three Decades

美高公司诞生于享有“浪漫之都”美誉的蒙特利尔,是加拿大最大的玩具公司,同时也是全球第二大积木玩具生产商。公司旗下著名品牌Mega Bloks@(以下统称美高积木)以其创新精心设计、经济实惠和高品质特点畅销全球,为儿童提供了具有启发性和创造性的玩耍体验。

Mega Brands, Inc., formerly Mega Bloks, Inc., is a top Canadian children's toy company currently owned by Mattel and the world’s second biggest building-block manufacturer. Mega Bloks, a line of construction set toys featuring innovative design, affordability and premium quality, has been hugely popular around the world, bringing about inspirational experiences for children.  


Montreal, the then-largest metropolis in Canada 

Victor Bertrand是个热爱玩具的少年,十七岁时,他立志进入玩具领域,于是他白天在父母的公司帮工,晚上在夜校学习贸易,想要把世界上最好的玩具分享给加拿大的孩子们。1967年,二十四岁的Victor独自创立第一家玩具公司,根据妻子的名字Rita结合Victor将公司命名为Ritvik Holdings。

Victor is truly a self-made entrepreneur. Going to night school and working during the day to support his parents, he got his start in the toy industry at the age of 17. It was his dream to make the world’s most extraordinary toys accessible to children in his home country. In 1967 he and his wife Rita founded their first company named Ritvik Holdings, a toy distribution company (Ritvik was a portmanteau word based on a combination of Rita and Victor).


Expo 67 was held in Montreal that same year.


The visually impressive structures at the Expo 67 inspired Victor’s interest in construction toys.   


Ritvik later became a vertically integrated company as it expanded. After establishing itself as Canada’s biggest toy distributor, the company started adding plastic injection molding operations, design operations, tooling manufacturing, and marketing services. The company had a leading share of the plastic injection molding market by the early 1980s.


Many of the toys conceived during the 1960s, a golden period of the toy design industry, are still on the market. The company’s line of business almost covers all of the classic toys the world over.

1905年面世的古早拼搭玩具Batima Block

Batima Block, one of the classic building-block products, launched in 1905

20世纪早期,Batima Block等拼搭玩具已经纳入玩具行业分类,风靡一时,而丹麦的乐高在这一领域知名度和销量遥遥领先。但一直对拼搭积木充满兴趣的Victor Bertrand发现,传统的乐高颗粒太小,婴幼儿不好抓握。于是,Victor不顾前辈和朋友的反对,开创了“美高”这个品牌,来创造乐高欠缺的竞争优势—Victor将美高塑料积木全部设计成大颗粒,以适合学前儿童。

Wanting to expand beyond Canada, Victor Bertrand took an interest in construction block sets and saw room for growth despite them being an industry staple since the early years of the 20th century with Batima Block released in 1905 in Belgium. With Lego being the leading construction toy, Bertrand chose to make a similar set. Bertrand ignored friends and advisors as he figured he had two advantages in launching Mega Bloks. He aimed for jumbo sized bricks for the toddlers, which Lego bricks were not designed for, and he felt his expertise in injection molding would give him a price advantage.


Jumbo-sized bricks are more suitable fortoddlers with less flexible fingers and little strength.


In the 1980s the Transformers toy line took the world by storm and dominated the toy market. 


Mega Bloks were launched simultaneously in Canada and the U.S. at the 1984 toy shows. They were an instant hit! Afterwards he divested of all his other toy activities to focus on further expanding Mega Bloks beyond the 30 countries already achieved. 


Nearly all of the toys in the 1980s are targeted at older kids and of violent nature.


By 1986, the company had become the world’s second largest construction set manufacturer, next only to the 50-year-old Lego. Mega’s Montreal-based headquarters is home to its international design centre and North America’s largest toy plant, where millions of construction sets are designed and produced every year. The company has reached more than 100 countries and had its presence in 11 countries. Nowadays it has grown into the world’s top jumbo-sized building block brand and gained dominance in the niche markets for older kids and collectors.


Mega Brands was acquired by the toy conglomerate Mattel on 20 April 2014. After 48 years of evolution, the company has established itself as North America’s top construction set brand for toddlers. 

美泰Mattel: 全球第一玩具品牌

Mattel, the world's top toy brand


Mattel may not be familiar to you but that’s definitely not the case with Barbie dolls. Mattel, Inc. is the toy giant behind these glamorous dolls. 

芭比娃娃诞生于二战后的美国。当时美泰公司创办人露丝·汉德勒,见女儿喜欢玩当时流行的纸娃娃,兴致盎然地帮它们换衣服、换皮包,便想到应该设计一款立体娃娃。而一次在德国度假时,露丝无意间发现了身高 11.5寸,三围39-18-33的德国娃娃“莉莉”。正是这个娃娃激发了露丝的灵感,回到美国后,露丝立刻对莉莉的形象加以改造,让她看上去像玛丽莲· 梦露一般地性感迷人。

Barbie came into being in the post-World War II America. Mattel founder Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara play with paper dolls, and noticed that she often enjoyed giving them adult roles. Realizing there could be a gap in the market, Handler came up with the idea of producing a line of adult-bodied dolls. During a trip to Europe in 1956, Ruth Handler came across a German toy doll called Bild Lilli. The adult-figured doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them. Upon her return to the United States, Handler redesigned the doll, making her as charming as Marilyn Monro.


The world’s first ever Barbie doll 


The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959 and it was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler's daughter Barbara. Over the past 50 years or so, Barbie has maintained her energetic, slender and fabulous appearance and become the world’s most popular doll among little girls, setting record of two dolls sold per second. Barbie has been selected by Interbrand as the most valuable toy brand with a market capitalization of $ 2 billion, higher than that of Starbucks, Giorgio Armani, Pampers, Siemens and so forth, and only second to that of Wall Street Journal.


Ruth Handler, her husband and Barbie 


As it expands, Mattel acquired a series of world-class toy brands such as Fisher-Price and Thomas & Friends and Mega Brands later in 2004. 


Mattel, the world’s top toy company, boasts lines of products like Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher Price and Thomas & Friends.


Mattel acquired Fisher-Price in 1993 and afterwards succeeded in turning it into the most trustworthy and established toy brand and one of the world’s top ten brands. 

1930 年,由于经济大萧条仍然笼罩全美国的企业,那其实不是创设新事业的最好时机。但是Herman Fisher、Irving Price、Helen Schelle结合了他们不同的制造和零售的经验,创造了费雪玩具公司,也很有信心的在纽约市的国际玩具展上推出了16 个木制玩具。当时他们一定没有预料到,这一历史性的合作,将使费雪牌玩具86年来为世界各地的孩子们的成长带来无穷的欢乐。

Back in 1930 when businesses across the United States were plagued by the Great Depression, it was not the time to launch a new business. Instead, with their different backgrounds in manufacturing and retails, Herman Fisher, Irving Price and Helen Schelle set up Fisher-Price, a toy firm, before releasing 16 wooden toys at the International Toy Fair in New York. At that time, they must haven’t expected this cooperation to bring endless happiness to children around the world over the next decades. 


In 2012, Mattel bought HIT Entertainment for $ 680 million and took over the Thomas & Friends toy line in a move that came under the spotlight in the global animated film-related toy market. Both the Thomas & Friends television series and Fisher-Price are mainly targeted at preschoolers, exposing the toy line to fierce competition in the preschool niche market.


Hot Wheels, the scale die-cast toy car brand that has taken the world by storm 


Minions, one of the Mattel products


Disney/ Pixar Cars, one of the Mattel products


What kind of business is Mattel? The world’s top toy kingdom or a distribution centre for a wide range of consumer goods, or a wonderland for kids? Yet to us, Mattel is more like Dreamworks that accommodates the utopian fantasies of both kids and adults. 


基于YoungBird公司在大设计产业链的影响力及双方在启蒙、发掘和鼓励年轻设计力量理念上的高度认同,美泰公司旗下的美高积木选择YoungBird成为美高2016公共艺术活动的策展团队及专业顾问; 城市发展策略团队负责人)担任美高公共艺术装置的设计师,将设计营造和积木搭建无缝链接在一起。

YoungBird has been commissioned by Mega Bloks, part of the Mattel toy conglomerate, as the curator and consultancy for its 2016 Public Art Program based on its huge influence on the design industry and the mission of inspiring, discovering and encouraging young designers that the two sides share. We have invited Mr. Liu Hung-Chih, the globally renowned urban planner and senior vice president of AECOM Asia Pacific to serve as the principal designer of this public art installation in an attempt to blend design and building blocks perfectly.