





Babysitting 照看孩子

Did she go? 她是不是尿了?

Did she go number 2? 大便了吗?

Did you wet your diaper/pants?你的尿布/裤子弄湿了吗?

Mommy's going to change you.妈妈给你换(尿布)

You need to be changed.你该换尿布了。

Will you change the baby's diaper? 你能给孩子换块尿布吗?

Again? 又要换呀?

I just changed it ten minutes ago. 10分钟前我刚换过的。

Peekaboo! 蒙一儿。

Do it again.再来一次。

Kuchi-kuchi-koo. 胳肢胳肢。

Mommy and Daddy need to go somewheretonight and we can't take you along.今晚妈妈爸爸要出去,不能带着你。

Granny is going to take care of youtonight.今天晚上奶奶/外婆来看你。

When you're in Granny's,you need to followher rules.在奶奶/外婆家要听奶奶/外婆的话。

Can you baby-sit tonight? 今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗?

Sure I can. 当然可以。

Take care of my baby. 帮我照看一下孩子吧。

I leave her in your hands.我把她交给你了。

You bet. 放心吧。

Put the baby into the cot.把宝宝放在婴儿床里。

Don't go away.What if the baby fall out ofher cot.别走开,如果宝宝从婴儿床里跌下来怎么办?

Oh, all right. 好啦!

Mom looks after the baby all day.妈妈整天都在照顾宝宝。

Poor baby is hiccupping.可怜的宝宝在打呃。

How can he stop it?怎样才能不打呃呢?

Is baby going to be all right?宝宝不会有事吧?

I don't like it when she's sick.我不喜欢她生病。

Come closer, child.走近一点,孩子。

Fine! Stay there, then. See if I care! 好,就呆在那儿吧。我才不在乎!(宝宝无理取闹,耍赖时)

She'll get over it! 她会自己平静下来的,她会没事的。

Don't interfere while I am discipliningbaby.当我训练/惩罚宝宝的时候不要干涉。

I heard the baby cry.我听到宝宝在哭。

Don't yell at her!别吼她!

Can't you see how scared she is?你没看见她多害怕吗?

My, but you're a little thing.你真是个小东西。

Poor little girl! 可怜的小女孩!

I bet you're hungry.我想你一定饿了。(I am! 是的!)

Try not to cry.It's okay.别哭了,好啦。

Do you want Mommy to pick you up?想让妈妈抱你吗?

Can you pick up/take her for a littlewhile?Maybe you can get her to stop.你能不能抱她一会儿? 没准儿你能让她不哭。

Sure, I'd like to try !当然,我愿意试试!

Sure, I will see if I can!当然,我看看我行不行!

I'll pick her up.It's my turn to try!我来抱抱她。轮到我试试了。

She turned over on her side for the firsttime today.今天宝宝第一次翻身。

She's started sitting up.她正开始坐起来。

She started crawling at six months.她六个月开始爬。

Using the toilet上厕所

A 如厕前

Do you need to go potty?你要去大/小便吗?

Do you want/need to poopoo/pee?想拉臭臭/尿尿吗?

I have to go poop/pee

I need to poop/pee

I need to go to the bathroom.我要上厕所。

I want to go to the toilet.我想上厕所。

Can I go to toilet?我能上厕所吗?

You go first. 你先去。

It's time to go wee-wee/pee-pee.该尿尿了。

Get off the bed to peepee.自己下床去尿尿吧。

You can pull down your pants all byyourself.宝贝自己脱裤子。

Very good.真棒!

Please move back a bit so that you don'tpee out of the potty.,靠后座,尿尿就不会撒出来。

Listen, mommy heard the sound of rain.,妈妈听到宝宝的下雨声了。


Don't unroll the toilet paper.不要扯手纸。

Don't use too much toilet paper.不要浪费手纸。

You've been playing with the toiletpaper,and I have told you many times not to do that!


To flush the toilet.冲一下厕所。

Don't pick your nose./Don't stick yourfingers in your nose.不要用手挖鼻子。

Wipe your bottom.擦擦屁股。

Wash your hands with soap after you poop.便便以后要用肥皂洗手。

Playing toys/games 玩玩具/游戏

Wanna play? 想玩吗?

Sure! What do you have to play with?!有什么可玩?


Go on! What would you like to try/play on?去呀!你想玩什么?

Do you want to play poker?你想要玩儿扑克牌吗?

Do you know how to play it?你知道要怎么玩吗?

I'll teach you.我来教你。

Do you want to play it again?想要再玩儿一次吗?

Could I try that?我可不可以玩那个?

Sure! Go ahead! 当然可以!去玩吧!

Oh, that's okay. I'll just watch.没关系,我看着就行。

Watch? But why? Don't you want to play? ?为什么?你不想玩吗?

Sure, I do. But, well...我当然想玩,可是……

Let's play a game. 让我们来做游戏。

Let's start/begin. 让我们开始。

Let's play together.让我们一起玩。

Enjoy yourself.自娱自乐。

I want to play with Jim. 我想和Jim玩。

Let's play home game/house. 我们玩娃娃家吧。

Why isn't anybody playing?怎么大家都不玩了?

Do I need keep the toys? 要收玩具吗?

I want to go to playground. 我想玩大型玩具。

Stack your building blocks.堆积木吧。

Let's play with puppets.让我们玩儿木偶吧。

Let's dancing/singing. 让我们来跳舞唱歌。

Sing a song. 唱支歌。

Go ahead. 继续。

Let's listen to a story. 让我们听个故事。

Let's listen to the tape. 让我们听磁带。

Let's watch TV/a play. 让我们看电视/看表演。

Want to play hide and seek?玩捉迷藏吗?

I'm going to count to ten.我数到十.

Ready or not, here I come.准备好了吗?我来了。

Come here./Come on. 过来。

Go to there.去那边。

I am here.我在这里。

Let's perform it together.咱们一起来表演。

Let's recite the poem.咱们朗诵这首诗。

Your turn.该你了。

It's your turn to speak/read.该你说了/读了。

What sound does this animal make?这个动物发什么声?

Did you say that correctly?你说对了吗?

Once again/Once more/One more time.再来一次。

Listen to me./Listen to the music. 听我说/听音乐。

What did you hear? 你听到什麽了?

Can you say something about this picture?你能说说这幅图片吗?

Can you tell us something about thispicture?你能讲讲这幅图片吗?

Like what?像什么?

Like chicken.像只鸡。

I can't see. 我看不见。

Look real close.仔细看,凑近了看。

Relax. 休息。

Say it in English. 用英语说。

Let's say it together. 让我们一起说。

How do you know? 你怎麽知道的?

Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?

Outdoor Activity 户外活动


Let's go out/outside.让我们到室外去。

Let's go out for a walk. 让我们出去走走。

Let's go downstairs. 让我们到楼下去。

Let's play on the ground. 让我们去操场上玩。

Let's go play in the park.让我们到公园里玩儿吧。

Can I go/come with you? 我能和你一起去吗?

No. 不行。

I said no!我说不行!

OK. OK. Come along.好吧,好吧,跟我来。

You mean you will do it?你是说你答应了?

Want to play outside?想出去玩吗?

Come then,join our game. 来,跟我们一起玩吧?


Wave your fingers.摆动你的手指。

Wiggle your fingers.摆动你的手指。

Touch your stomach.摸摸你的肚子。

Cover your mouth.捂上你的嘴。

Hold your nose.捏着鼻子。

Hum a tune.哼首歌。

Make a circle. 围一个圈。

Move your eyebrows up and down.让你的眉毛上下动。

Put your two thumbs up.把你的两根拇指竖起来。

Nod your head.点点你的头。

Clap your hands.拍拍你的手。

Bend your knees.弯曲你的膝盖。

Stomp your foot.跺跺你的脚。

Jump on one foot. 单脚跳。

Hop on the foot.单脚跳。

Climb a tree.爬树。

Jump rope.跳绳。

Play the yo-yo.玩儿溜溜球。

Do a cart wheel.翻筋斗。

Bounce/Roll/Kick the ball(to me ).//踢皮球。

Run a race in the sun.在太阳底下跑步。

Run. 跑。

Let's have a race. 让我们来个比赛。

I'm not racing.I'm not!我不想比赛.我不比!

On your mark...各就位......


I won! 我赢了!

You are slow. 你太慢了。

You are fast.你很快。

Let's play catch/ball. 我们来投球吧。

Great! 好呀!

May I play catch here?我可以在这儿玩球吗?

Not here.这里不行。

Of course you may.当然,玩吧。



Good catch!好球!

Throw me the ball.把球扔给我。

I'm blowing the windmill.我在吹风车。

See how it turns!看它转得有多快!

Want to swing?想玩儿秋千吗?

Let's swing on the swings!让我们来荡秋千吧。

Shall I push you?要我推你吗?

Give me a little push, will you?推我一下好吗?

You can touch the sky!你可以碰到天啦!

Hey! This is kind of fun, huh?满好玩的喔,是吧?

Want to go down the slide?想滑滑梯吗?

Did you get dizzy on the merry-go-round?在旋转木马上晕吗?

Want to blow bubbles.想吹泡泡吗?

Let's dig in the sandpit.让我们挖沙子吧。

Let's play on the scooter.让我们玩儿踏板车吧。


It's warm here. 这里很暖。

I am cold/hot/warm.我觉得冷//暖和。

I've never had so much fun in my life!在这一生中,我没这么开心过!

he day went so fast!时间过得好快!

It's getting late.天越来越晚了。

It's time to go home now!该是回家的时间啰!

It's late. Let's go back.时间不早了,我们回去吧.

It's cloudy .Let's go back.天气有点多云,我们回去吧.

It's windy .We'd better go back.刮风了,我们最好回去吧.

I'm afraid we have to go now.我恐怕我们得走了。

It is time to go. 该走了。

Go back.回去。

Go straight ahead,turn left/right.一直走,左转/右转。

Yes! Please, Mom!妈妈,求求你!

I don't want my to leave yet!我还不想走!

We'd best be getting home.我们得赶快回家。

Go home.回家去。

Then you can stay! 你可以留下!

You will stay as long as you like.你爱呆多久就呆多久。

Take me home!带我回家!

walking 散步

Let's go for a walk.咱们去散步.

Let's have a walk after the meal.让我们饭后散散步.

Walking is good for your health.散步有益于健康.

Walk slowly.慢慢走.

Walk properly.好好走.

Be slowlytake easy.慢点,别着急

Step by step /one step at a time.一步一个台阶.

The flowers are blooming.花开了.

The birds are singing.鸟儿在歌唱.

Be careful of the grass and the flowers.小心花草.

Look,what beautiful trees!What a prettygarden!看,那些树多美丽呀!多漂亮的花园.

Don't stop, go on.别停下,继续.

Don't touch them. They are just to belooked at.不要摸,它们只是供观赏的.

Don't stamp.别跺脚.

Be careful,don't fall down.小心,别摔倒.

Keep your back straight while you walk.走路是背挺直.

Don't touch the railing.不要摸栏杆.

Hold hands with mom.和妈妈拉上手

Are you tired?你累了吗?

Yes,I am tired.是的,我累了。

No,I am not.,我不累。

About Weather有关天气

How's the weather today?今天天气如何?

It's a sunny/cloudy/rainy day! 是个晴天/阴天/雨天!

It's very hot today, isn't it? 今天真热呀!

It's blistering hot.天气炎热。

I'm sensitive to heat.我怕热。

The heat is killing me. 热死我了。

It's a fine day today.今天的天气真好!

It's pleasant.这天真舒服。

It's mild today.今天风和日丽。

Fine day, isn't it?真是好天气,不是吗?

Great day ,isn't it ?天气不错,对吧?

It's a nice/great/wonderful day! 今天是个好天!

It sure is. 是不错啊。

How clean the air is!空气多么清新呀!

What's the forecast for tomorrow?明天的天气怎么样?

It's going to be cold. 会冷吧。

How's the weather today?今天的天气怎么样?

Is it going to rain today?今天会下雨吗?

I doubt it. 我想不会。

But I heard it might rain.但是我听说可能会下雨。

We're expecting some rain.好像要下雨。

It supposed to rain.应该要下雨了。

I don't think so.我不这么认为。

It's raining/snowing.下雨/雪了。

It's warm/cold/chilly/humid today.今天很暖和/很冷/冷嗖嗖的/很闷热。

It is growing cool.天气渐渐凉爽起来。

It has become much cooler.天气变得凉爽多了。

It's frosty today.下霜了。

It's freezing.冷得像要结冰了。

It sure is. 就是。

It's windy today.今天风很大。

It's dry.气候干燥。

It's miserable.糟糕的天气。

It's uncomfortable today.今天的天气让人不舒服。

It's overcast today.今天阴天。

It's gloomy.天阴沉沉的。

It's foggy.起雾了。

It's misty.雾蒙蒙的。

We're going to have a blizzard.快要下暴风雨了。

It's stormy.暴风雨天气。

A typhoon is coming.台风快到了。

It's raining cats and dogs!下了瓢泼大雨。




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