









感谢恩派的小伙伴友情提供的照片 :)




1. 仁人家园是一个致力于消除贫困住房问题的国际非营利组织。借助志愿者的劳动与来自外界的捐款或资源支持,仁人家园携手合作伙伴与当地社区,为低收入家庭提供简单、体面并且可负担的住房。
1. Habitat for Humanity is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing. Using volunteer labor and financial contributions from caring people, HFH works with partners and communities to provide simple, decent and affordable housing for low-income families.
2. 据统计,在亚洲仍有超过5.7亿人口生活在贫民窟中。每天,亚洲地区的城镇会有大约12万的新增居民。为满足这些居民的住房需求,每天需新建2万所房屋。
2. It is estimated that 570 million people in Asia are currently living in slums. Each day, another 120,000 people are added to the populations of Asian cities, requiring the construction of at least 20,000 new dwellings daily.
3. 尽管仁人家园在1976就成立了,仁人家园直到2002年才来到中国,并且从2010年开始在上海开展项目! 
3. Although Habitat for Humanity was established in 1976, HFH didn’t have a presence in China until 2002 and came to Shanghai in 2010!

4. 仁人家园在中国开展项目以来,已经兴建或修葺了超过5000所住房,帮助超过近4万人 获得了更为体面适宜的居住环境。(数据截止2016年上半年)
4. Since starting in the region, HFH China has built or rehabilitated over 4,789 houses and has assisted nearly 35,473 Chinese people meet their shelter needs. (Updated until first half of 2016)

5. 仁人家园在中国的工作可以用三个R开头的单词来总结: 重建(Rebuild), 救济 (Relief)以及房屋翻新 (Refurbishment)。
5. Habitat’s China work can be summarized by the three R’s - Rebuild, Relief and Refurbishment. 

6.  2008年的8级汶川大地震夺走了约69227人的生命,并摧毁了约3百万间房屋。为支援灾后重建,仁人家园于2008年开始在四川开展工作。到目前为止,仁人家园与当地政府合作,为受灾家庭重建了1789所房屋。
6.  In response to the devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake that killed approximately 69,227 people and destroyed over 3 million homes, Habitat began work in the Sichuan province in 2008. To date, HFH China has built 1,789 houses working in partnership with the local government.
7.  在中国,仁人家园分别在广东、广西、四川、上海以及云南设有办公室,共同为当地困难群体提供安全体面的住房,协助他们脱贫。
7.  HFH China now has offices in Guangdong, Guangxi, Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan with the aim to reach families in need of safe, decent shelter to help lift them out of poverty.

8.  仁人家园在中国开展的项目涉及:为低收入家庭兴建或翻新房屋,包括老人和有残障成员的家庭;为受到自然灾害影响的人们提供一个永久性的居住方案;同时也招募并培训志愿者参与仁人家园的地球村项目,与合作家庭一起建造舒适体面的住所。更多讯息请扫下方二维码。
8.  HFH provides services to communities throughout China through: building, rehabilitating and repairing homes for low-income families, including the elderly and families with disabled members; providing permanent housing solutions for people vulnerable to, or affected by natural disasters; and recruiting and training Global Village program volunteers to construct decent housing alongside Habitat home partner families. For more information, please extract the QR code below.
9.  仁人家园在开展工作中的一个重要原则是“汗水股权”,即当我们为一个合作家庭提供服务时,我们期望这个家庭能够在自己力所能及的范围内做出贡献,共同参与建房或房屋修缮的过程,而不仅仅是接受他人的帮助。
9.  An important part of the HFH agreement is ‘sweat equity’; when we assist a partner in a project, we expect the family to contribute what they can of their own efforts and resources, thus providing a hand-up rather than a hand-out for families in need.
10.  仁人家园的项目在运作中的另一个重要机制是“无息借款建房”模式,即仁人家园向合作家庭提供无息、可偿还的借款用于支付建房费用。合作家庭在一定期限内还款后,这笔资金将注入资金循环池,用于帮助更多的社区满足他们的住房需求。更多讯息请扫下方二维码。
10.  Another key part of Habitat’s work is providing a no-profit mortgage, which is a loan that offers flexible lending terms to families in order to keep payment amounts affordable.  These repayments go into a revolving fund which can then be used to assist housing needs in other communities. For more information, please extract the QR code below.
